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God is good chemo day 15

God is good and His love endures forever.

Update: we have been in nationwide just treating the side effects from the chemo and learning a ton for the next cycles. Grace has been in bed most days but overall there are more smiles and more conversations. A praise, her ANC is starting to come back🙏🏻 The night nurse, who has been phenomena came in to tell

me this and we totally did a happy dance together. The staff is becoming family and I’m so grateful for all of them. Next steps, one chemo med tonight, watch ANC rise, bone marrow next week when ANC is high enough and get ready for round 2.

Final thought: my mom thought she was listening to her head phones this morning but really had it playing unconnected to the head phones… 😂😂. When I tried to tell her she couldn’t hear me then we laughed when she realized what happened. This was a picture to me of how sometimes I have plugs in my ears to the LOrd, He’s sitting there asking me to take out the ear plugs and listen. When I take them out I hear Him so much clearer.

have a great day and if you have any prayer requests we’d love to pray for you. Send them to the address set up for emails for Gracie.

Colossians 3:12

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