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God is good in the down times

God is so good. He is always working on our behalf.

update: Gracie is now in “count recovery” waiting for her counts to tank then come back up. We’ve gotten one unit of blood so far (last cycle we required 3 units of blood and multiple platelet transfusions). She’s pretty nauseous and we’re working to get that under control. We’ve got an amazing team of people working with us that are huge blessings. On a side note…donate blood to the Red Cross please! I’m going to donate here at nationwide Friday. Seeing grace go through this and realizing someone else took an hour out of their day so my little girl could take chemo to live is humbling and just another evidence of God’s goodness.

Final thought: I read a book that said “It’s impossible to give thanks and simultaneously feel fear”. Thank you Lord!! Psalm 37:5,6

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