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God is good, He turns our mourning to dancing

God is good. There are hard times and there are good times. There are peaceful times before the storms. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Update: Grace has completed all her chemo medications! Grace has completed all her thiotepa baths!!! 👏 She is calm and comfortable right now. She is getting her NG tube today and her transplant cells tomorrow. We have been blessed by so many people both here at the hospital and at home. There are a lot of emotions and a lot of ‘lasts’ this round. Thank you to everyone for all the continued prayers and support.

Final thought: With Grace approaching cell day and the tougher parts of the cycle, but also with the knowledge that this is her last cycle I was struck with the phrases “but joy comes in the morning” and “He turns our mourning to dancing.” He has done this over and over and will continue to do this for all of us as his children. May Jesus richly bless you.

Psalm 30

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